Role of Self Service Analytics in Businesses

Role of Self Service Analytics in Businesses

Self Service Analytics is proving useful for business users, who are working on business data without necessarily having a background in technology and statistics. It is essentially bridging the gap between trained data analysts and normal business users.

Following are the characteristics of Self Service Analytics:

  1. Business Users Independence:

Self Service Analytics reduces dependency on IT and Data warehousing teams, thereby reducing the turnaround time for a request made by a business user.

It does so by continuously collating and loading real time data into a singular stream without disparity, which is easily accessible through browsers. Thus, it helps business users in taking decisions on Real-Time basis.

This feature benefits organizations because vital decisions made within time can be more profitable as compared to the traditional way of analysing data, which may not be a good idea in respect to the urgency constraint.


  1. Easier and Reduced Cost of Operations:

Often, the company’s data are fragmented and widespread across various divisions. This increases the headache of channelling the data meaningfully and in a wholesome manner.

Further to this, preparing reports using this data becomes a cumbersome job for the IT department or the department, which is serving such request. Hence, it may lead to increased cost of time or decreased quality of efficiency at which the operations have to run. However, many a times, these reports fail to give an overview of the operations in an organisation.

Self-service BI integrates data from different systems and delivers a “Single Version of Truth”. Accessing this data and running computations on it requires only a browser for access and eliminates the need to install, maintain and administer large-footprint software clients on each user’s workstation.

If Self Service Analytics is hosted on SaaS, it will further reduce the cost of machinery and maintenance associated with it. The provision for usage can be increased or decreased in no time according to the usage pattern. This really means that Self Service Analytics helps you adapt with time and Pay-Per-Use model, which is a leading trend in most of the industries.

  1. Resolving the conflict over accuracy:

Typically, a business user using Excel would have a local copy of data and run computations on it. He can merge and transform it by using various formulas and finally derive a conclusion.

This is dangerous because in live operations, data keeps changing and data integrity is at stake by working on local copies. Thus, accuracy in decision-making becomes a game of luck.

In Self Service BI, the data from the source is extracted, transformed and loaded into a unique data model, which goes with all operations. In this case, data integrity is assured. In addition, all business users have the same source of data, removing the risk that working with different local copies have.

Therefore, from the above stated facts, we can conclude that Self Service Analytics is a need for today’s businesses.

However, there are a few risks involved in Self Service Business Analytics:

  1. Loose corporate governance and make data available to business users directly may be taken advantage of in an undue manner.
  2. Business users may not be properly trained or skilled to make decisions.
  3. Relying heavily on any tool without some real life experience and insight into the background of that data can result into an impaired decision-making.

If all the above-mentioned risks are mitigated and proper corporate governance structure is in place, Self Service Analytics can be very beneficial for the success of any organization.

To excel in Self-Service Analytics, why not take up Machine Learning courses in Delhi from DexLab Analytics! They are informative, interesting and elaborate.


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April 5, 2017 6:27 am Published by , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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