5 Big Challenges That Data Scientists Face Each Day

5 Big Challenges That Data Scientists Face Each Day

Data is lucrative; the world is revolving around how we churn out data. As a result, there’s been a high demand for data scientists. But of course, as rightfully said there’s no gain without pain – the promising field of data science is laden with many challenges, which needs to be overcome by expert consultants under needful guidance and with deft expertise.

Below, we’ve mentioned top 5 data science challenges, and how to handle them well…

Address the Specifics

Successful data scientists don’t try to do everything on their own. Instead, they individually focus on a single specific area. “I would encourage new professionals to understand that data science is a bit like medicine—it’s a vast and vague term that encapsulates wildly different practices under one roof,” said Tal Kedar, CTO at Optimove. “Data scientists [can have] very different engineering skill sets [and be] experienced with very different platforms and tools.”

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Be Guided By Your Intuition

Being a data scientist not only exposes you to the question of ‘how’, but also ‘why’. No longer do you just sift through data to make connections, instead you have to use your comprehensive knowledge to develop ‘mental model’, which can be accepted or rejected by your data.

Cross-Department Expertise is Appreciable

“The best data scientists are not just statisticians or machine learning experts; they are also an authority in the field or business where they are applying those skills,” said Kedar. It’s no hard fact, data scientists are arguably the best bridge between technical and non-technical teams. Quite naturally, whichever career they chose next, their skills will be treated as an asset to the next company in question.

Seamless Flow of Communication

Communication amongst the data teams is crucial – data scientists need to explain technical concepts to audiences from other departments, including executives and stakeholders, who might not belong from technical backgrounds. “It can be exciting to share all of the technical complexities that got you to your conclusions,” said Andrew Seitz, senior data analyst at Snowflake. “But what your stakeholders need are the key findings and action items. Save the details for the appendix (or Q&A).”

Raw Data Play

The biggest challenge for data scientists is to find ways of using the data – how the process of data extraction, data cleaning, data analysis and data modeling are carried out. Data scientists need to possess broad domain expertise in all programming languages, such as Python, R and SQL.

The work life of a data scientist revolves around creating clean data sets loaded with useful information on which machine learning algorithms can be applied. This kind of job is mostly treated as an art instead of science, because a majority of hard work and effort goes unnoticed when observing the final product, just like an artist’s craft.

The scope and capability of data science is encompassing, so are the challenges. But, of course, most of the challenges can be mitigated with considerable preparation and communication. How? With an intensive Python data science course – from the expert consultants of DexLab Analytics.


The blog has been sourced fromwww.forbes.com/sites/laurencebradford/2018/09/06/8-real-challenges-data-scientists-face/#8adbc206d999


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September 21, 2018 6:18 pm Published by , , , , , ,

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